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My Elevator Pitch

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It’s the classic small talk question. “So, what do you do for a living?” Do you always know what to say? Sometimes it can be difficult to sum up exactly what you do! If you simply say, “I’m a copywriter”, you’re likely to be quizzed on copyright law. Saying “Umm…well, I write things…for people…” will be met with blank faces and confusion. Whether you’re at the school gates or down… Read More »My Elevator Pitch

Love Island Lingo

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I’VE GOT A TEXT! Tonight there will be a recoupling at the fire pit. It is what it is. Don’t know what I’m talking about? This is Love Island speak – the lingo used on one of the UK’s most popular reality TV shows. With around 3 million viewers tuning in for the first episode of Season 8, Love Island is back for summer 2022. Whether you love it or loathe… Read More »Love Island Lingo

10 Things I’ve Learned in 10 Years of Freelance Writing

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, This month marks the 10-year anniversary of my freelance writing career 🙂 Back in July 2012, I decided to dip my toe into the world of freelancing. After several years spent working in the beauty industry, I wanted to pursue something that allowed me to work from home. As a parent, the idea of 9-5 salon life no longer appealed to me. Flexibility was the only way forward. Freelancing… Read More »10 Things I’ve Learned in 10 Years of Freelance Writing

Give Your Clients What They Want!

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It’s 2022 and you need a haircut. Maybe you fancy getting your nails done. Or perhaps you’d like a pedicure before you go on holiday. What’s the first thing you do? Chances are, you’ll grab your phone and look it up online. With this in mind, why do so many small businesses undersell themselves when it comes to providing online information? I can’t tell you how many times I’ve looked… Read More »Give Your Clients What They Want!

The Mysterious Loss of -ED

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At what point did it become cool to drop the “-ed” from certain adjectives? “He’s so chill” – instead of “chilled” “I’m so tan” – instead of “tanned” “I’m bias” – instead of “biased” “Pack lunch” – instead of “packed”   I’m not sure if it’s just another form of Americanisation, but it’s a trend I’ve been noticing more and more over the past 2-3 years.   Curiously, it only seems to apply to… Read More »The Mysterious Loss of -ED

Can You Do It Any Cheaper?

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In my previous blog post, I discussed the average cost of a freelance copywriter in the UK. Clearly, my hourly rate of £20 is significantly lower than the national average (Why is this?) With this in mind, why am I still regularly asked to justify or lower my rates? Would you ask the same of your plumber, lawyer, or hairdresser? Imagine walking into a salon and asking the stylist: “Can… Read More »Can You Do It Any Cheaper?

How Much Does a UK Freelance Copywriter Charge in 2022?

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You need someone to do a job. What’s one of the first things you ask? “How much will it cost?” Whether you’re getting your kitchen replastered; replacing your boiler; installing new windows; or fitting a new front door – cost is always a primary factor. Hiring a freelance copywriter is no different. Everyone wants to know how much it will cost. Many freelance writers choose not to display their fees… Read More »How Much Does a UK Freelance Copywriter Charge in 2022?

Covid Vocab

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Over the past year, we’ve been bombarded with all sorts of new-fangled terminology. Anyone familiar with marketing will have spotted the deliberate use of the ‘Rule of Three’ when it came to Covid mantras like “Hands, Face, Space”. They’re catchy, concise, and designed to stick in your head. Over a relatively short time, the Covid-19 pandemic has made an enormous impact on our daily language. Some new words were invented… Read More »Covid Vocab

Proofreading, Copyediting, Rewriting… What’s the Difference?

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What’s the difference between proofreading, copyediting, and rewriting? They’re all services that will improve the quality of your work, but which one do you actually need? People often ask for proofreading when they’re actually looking for more than that. With a little extra time, a copywriter (like me!) can tidy up your work to a professional standard – either by improving what’s already there, or by completing rewriting it from… Read More »Proofreading, Copyediting, Rewriting… What’s the Difference?

Yes, You WILL Be Judged on Your Spelling

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Let’s talk about spelling for a moment. Whether you’re selling a product or simply creating content, please consider your spelling and grammar.   So what? You might not think it’s that important – especially on social media, where things are a little more casual. You might think it doesn’t matter, as long as people still know what you mean. You might say, “Hey, that’s what spellcheck was invented for!” Well,… Read More »Yes, You WILL Be Judged on Your Spelling