Let’s talk about spelling for a moment.
Whether you’re selling a product or simply creating content, please consider your spelling and grammar.
So what?
You might not think it’s that important – especially on social media, where things are a little more casual.
You might think it doesn’t matter, as long as people still know what you mean.
You might say, “Hey, that’s what spellcheck was invented for!”
Well, that may be so, and how you choose to present yourself is entirely up to you. But the inconvenient truth is that others will judge your spelling and grammar – regardless of whether you think it’s important or not!
Spelling mistakes do not inspire confidence
I would struggle to recommend a beauty brand that features spelling mistakes on its labels. For me, it’s a red flag. If you’re careless about your labels, what else are you careless about?
If you’re marketing yourself as a quality brand, you need to show professionalism. Basic spelling and grammar mistakes are not acceptable. They indicate carelessness and make you appear unprofessional – is that the image you’re aiming for?
Industry experts have estimated that spelling mistakes on websites can cost millions of pounds in lost sales. A 2013 study showed 75% of people said they notice the quality of spelling and grammar on a website, and 59% would choose not to use a website with obvious errors. Why should potential customers trust you if you haven’t bothered to proofread your text? It will only make them wonder what else you’re going to cut corners on.
Whatever industry you’re in, it’s so important to convey the right message for your business – whether that’s in emails, brochures, reports, presentations, adverts, business cards, or other promotional material.
First impressions count! Win over potential customers with a professional image at all times. Don’t let poor spelling and grammar ruin your credibility.
Why hire a proofreader?
We all make occasional mistakes. Some words are commonly misused or notoriously tricky to spell correctly. Even confident writers make typographical errors, which are easy to miss when rereading work. The spellcheck function is a wonderful invention but it is certainly not foolproof! A proofreader brings a set of fresh eyes to your work and eliminates the risk of any embarrassing errors.
Think you’re pretty good at spelling?
Try my quick quiz to see how many spelling and grammar errors you can spot. You might be surprised!